
Wanderlust and the Promise of Impermanence

Wanderlust and the Promise of Impermanence

Wanderlust is best understood as an inherent desire that burns within and beckons to explore and seek out the elusive sense of euphoria that’s amplified in a foreign destination. It’s a concept that resonates so strongly because travel provides one of the most effective outlets to pursue the true source of happiness that is a new experience.

The Spectrum of Happiness

The Spectrum of Happiness

As it relates to happiness, from a 10,000-foot view you either are, you aren’t, or you’re somewhere in transit – that’s so oversimplified it’s comical, but stick with me. As a visual learner, I try to imagine models that can represent abstract and challenging concepts such as happiness. Over time, I’ve come to envision happiness as a spectrum that can be further broken down into individual ranges for each of the three basic associated states…

Chasing Adventure: A Forgotten Perspective

Chasing Adventure: A Forgotten Perspective

One of my constant concerns growing up has been how to best avoid becoming one of those people who gets ‘stuck.’ It’s easy to get trapped on a predictable path that never leads beyond the familiar, with regard to both experiences and physical location. This played a significant role in my motivation to relocate to Nashville last year. A major move was the catalyst for change that I was seeking.