
Shape Up – Ryan Singer

Shape Up – by Ryan Singer
Date read: 2/12/20. Recommendation: 8/10.

One of the best guides out there for modern product development and the familiar challenges that product teams face. Part one aims to provide a better language to deal with and describe risks, uncertainties, and challenges that define product development. Part two outlines processes Basecamp (where Ryan leads product) uses to make meaningful progress on their products. The book mainly focuses on the risk of getting stuck or bogged down in last quarter’s work, wasting time on unexpected problems, and not being free to do what you want tomorrow.

See my notes below or download a free copy from Basecamp.

My Notes:

Part one aims to provide a better language to deal with and describe risks, uncertainties, and challenges that define product development. Part two outlines processes Basecamp uses to make meaningful progress on their products.

Focuses on the risk of getting stuck, the risk of getting bogged down in last quarter’s work, wasting time on unexpected problems, and not being free to do what you want to do tomorrow. 

Be critical about the problem—what are we trying to solve, why does it matter, what counts as success, which customers are affected, what is the cost of doing this instead of something else?

To set proper boundaries, you will need a raw idea, an appetite, and a narrow problem definition.

Well-shaped work has a thin-tailed probability distribution. Removes as many unknowns and tricky problems from the project as possible. Project should have independent, well-understood parts that assemble together in known ways.

Set the appetite:
How much time and attention is the raw idea worth? Is it worth a quick fix? Is it worth an entire cycle? Would we redesign what we have to accommodate for this? Or is this only worth it if we can pull it off with a small tweak?

Set the appetite. Start with a number and end with a design. This serves as a creative constraint. Estimates are the opposite and leave too much room for error.

Estimates are only beneficial or accurate when a team has done that exact task multiple times before. They don’t account for uncertainty as you’re trying to define what you actually need to do.

You are shaping for a fixed time window. 

Not, “is it possible to do X?” But, “Is X possible in 6 weeks?”

Scope hammering:
Hammer down scope by narrowing the problem definition.

Narrow understanding of the problem by flipping the question from “what could we build?” to “what’s really going wrong?” You want to understand what’s driving this request, where the workflow is breaking down without this feature.

When you get a request to build something, focus on the when instead of why. This will provide more context. “What was this person doing when the thought occurred to ask for this?”

Be cautious of “redesigns” or “refactoring” that aren’t driven by a clear problem or a single use case.

Critically assess the nice-to-haves. Ask, would this feature still be valuable without this?

The scope is right when…

  1. You feel like you can see the whole project and nothing important that worries you is hidden down in the details.

  2. Conversations become more flowing because the scope gives you the right language.

  3. Easy to organize new tasks because you know the buckets they fit into.

“Every project is full of scope we don’t need. Every part of a product doesn’t need to be equally prominent, equally fast, and equally polished. Every use case isn’t equally common, equally critical, or equally aligned with the market we’re trying to sell to.”

Instead of trying to prevent scope from growing. Empower teams with the autonomy to cut back on scope themselves.

Good enough?
“The best is relative to your constraints.”

“We can only judge what is a ‘good’ solution in the context of how much time we want to spend and how important it is.” 

Anchor the point of comparison away from up towards the ideal and instead down towards the baseline. The baseline is the current reality for customers and how they solve this problem today. 

Seeing work in comparison to current alternative will improve morale and sense of progress made. 

Includes problem, appetite, solution, rabbit holes, and no-gos. See page 37 for more details.

Questions to ask at the betting table:
Does the problem matter? 

Is the appetite right?

Is the solution attractive?

What do we build first?
Start in the middle. Find something that’s 1) core to the concept, 2) small enough to complete in a few days and build momentum, 3) novel, meaning, something new that we haven’t worked on which will help eliminate uncertainty.

Choose the most important problems with the most unknowns to tackle first. This will help get you to the top of the hill. Then you can save the most routine and least worrisome items for the way down. 

It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work – Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work – by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
Date read: 5/7/19. Recommendation: 8/10.

The book outlines lessons from Basecamp and how to run a calm company. Refreshing resource, particularly for those who get caught up in the chaos of work. They discuss why calmness is a productive emotion and the work structure they use at Basecamp to help sustain that. Fried and Heinemeier Hansson also dig into work ethic, the danger of meetings, the importance of saying no, the myth of low-hanging fruit, why they ship before they test, and the rationale for why they only have a single product. It’s a great, short read that will help you challenge the status quo.

See my notes below or Amazon for details and reviews.

My Notes:

Calmness = productive emotion:
Goal at Basecamp is to be a calm company. Similar to Phil Jackson’s approach to pre-game speeches or halftime speeches. Remain calm and in control.

“Calm requires getting comfortable with enough.”

“Becoming a calm company is all about making decisions about who you are, who you want to serve, and who you want to say no to. It’s about knowing what to optimize for. It’s not that any particular choice is the right one, but not making one or dithering is definitely the wrong one.”

In victory, learn when to stop (Robert Greene, 48 Laws of Power)
Basecamp currently generates tens of millions of dollars in profit and they’re happy with that. Not obsessed with doubling or tripling market share. Focused on serving existing customers well. 

Example, they’ve kept fixed monthly fee instead of per-seat business model. Helps them avoid conflicts of interest where biggest customer holds power over the product and controls your time. 

Also, why they only have a single product. 

Work structure:
Projects are typically six weeks cycles, followed by two weeks to wander and decompress. 

Monthly “heartbeats” written by the team lead to summarize progress that’s been made. Boils key learnings down to essential points. Automatically removes the noise of the day-to-day by taking a broader perspective.

Work ethic:
Effectiveness > busyness.

Point of diminishing returns: “Creativity, progress, and impact do not yield to brute force.”

Make the best decision that you’re able to now and avoid indecision: “Accept that better ideas aren’t necessarily better if they arrive after the train has left the station. If they’re so good, they can catch the next one.”

Saying no and getting more done:
Say no, claw back time: “The only way to get more done is to have less to do.” (Similar to Nassim Taleb’s quote, “You want maximal free time, not maximal activity, and you can assess your own ‘success’ according to such a metric.”).

“No is no to one thing. Yes is no to a thousand things.”

“When you say no now, you can come back and say yes later.”

“No is calm but hard. Yes is easy but a flurry.”

Myth of low-hanging fruit:
The idea that you can instantly move needles because you’ve never tried before is delusional. Almost always requires difficult work.

Hiring and talent:
“Stop thinking of talent as something to be plundered and start thinking of it as something to be grown and nurtured.”

Ship it:
Simulated environments provide simulated answers. If you want to know the truth about your product, you have to ship it and see how real customers use it in their natural environment. 

Basecamp doesn’t beta test. They don’t put things in front of users before they’re ready for production. Slow and timid response to feedback might help them catch a few things, but they value speed and conviction over safety.