Cal Newport

Digital Minimalism – Cal Newport

Digital Minimalism – by Cal Newport
Recommendation 6/10. Date read: 12/3/20.

I read this because I needed a reminder to check myself and eliminate distractions. Newport emphasizes the principles of digital minimalism—mainly cutting back on incessant stimulation—including why clutter is costly, how important it is to optimize fewer things, and how intentionality adds meaning. Really it’s a book about thoughtfulness and being present. It could have been an essay, rather than a book. But helpful nonetheless.

See my notes below or Amazon for details and reviews.

My Notes:

Principles of Digital Minimalism:

  • Clutter is costly

  • Optimization is important (think carefully about how)

  • Intentionality is satisfying (adds meaning)

Be Thoughtful:
“Part of what makes this philosophy so effective is that the very act of being selective about your tools will bring you satisfaction, typically much more than what is lost from the tools you decide to avoid.” CN

“Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude is the school of genius.” Edward Gibbon

Cites Descartes, Newton, Locke, Pascal, Spinoza, Kant, Leibniz, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Wittgenstein as examples of men who never had families or fostered close personal ties, yet still managed to lead remarkable lives.